English.Poshto&Urdu Romantic Love Poetry


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        کہ مخ دے رانہ ھیر شو .

نو جھان بہ رانہ ھیر شی .
کہ نوم دے رانہ ھیر شو .
نو خپل ذان بہ رانہ ھیر شی .
اللہ دے داسے نہ کڑی چے دوستان بہ رانہ ھیر شی .
دوستی خو اے جانانہ یوہ حصہ د عبادت دہ .
عبادت کہ رانہ ھیر شو نو ایمان بہ رانہ ھیر شی‏                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  
Naa Ba Dhi Sthaargi
Khoomarree We Moodham
Naa Ba Dhi Shoondi
Choowarri We Moodham,
Naa Ba Dha Sawee
Ashakaan Oweeni,
Yow Wraaz Ba Dhi Thir We
Dhagha Dhowraan,
Naa Ba Dhi Khwla Ki We
Khandah Dhaghassi,
Naa Ba Dhi Sung Ki We
Oodhrighee Khalaaq,
Naa Ba Dhi Sok Kawee
Pharwa Dhaghassi,
Laka Dha Woss Dharna
Zharighee Khaalaq,
Nun Dhi Dha Thorro Zaalffo
Waar Dhai Gulli,
Dha Dha Soo Wraazo
No-Bahaar Dhai Gulli,
Pha Dhi Raanjo Ki Bha
Khazaan Oweeni,
Yow Wraaz Ba Dhi Thir We
Dhagha Dhowraan,
Naa Ba Dhi Dha
Khqulee Zwanee We Moodhaam,
Naa Ba Dhi Zaalffi
Pha Woogho Zanghee,
Naa Ba Dhi Sri Shoondi
Sri Karee Moodhaam,
Naa Ba Pizwaan Ba
Phi Dha Sro Zanghee,
Naa Ba Bya Maakhi Tha
Ayeen Kigdhi,
Naa Ba Khaloona
Pha Jabeen Kigdhi,
Naa Ba Dhi Sri Shoondi
Halwaal Oowazee,
Yow Wraaz Ba Dhi Thir We
Dhagha Dhowraan...

پاس دا خیسور داپیغلې چیغه تر خیبره راغله
‏ترسو چي مو زوانان رازي. زہ بہ سرتورہ یمه
The world has become a lot of people.
Pashto has become bitter, money has become sweeter.
The season is a joke, the jirga has been destroyed.
What happened to life, it's been a drink.
I don't mind being a lot.
I'm not sad to break and break.
I am tempted to make a mistake of my destination.
When the caravan goes to change ways.
I am not in myself, I am worried about this.
If you don't see the way, this is the story.
I am not afraid of it.
I don't cry for anyone's dust and dust.
I am a Pashto thing myself.
I don't care about the benefits and damage of the market.
I am an experience of the great field of honor.
If you leave me in a dry desert like this.
I am not going to lose, I am the biggest caravan of time.
I don't have anything to do with me.
I am the one who put his head on the field of honor.
I don't hide my eyes.
I'm another fire of honor.
I have a song till the chitral and kandar.
I am a brave Pashtoon song of a brave Pashtoon.

Hey Pashtoon, wake up!
O Pashtoon, wake up, it is the time of love.
It is made every side, look, it is a trick for you.
Black Africa took seasons from the Shark.
Yellow China and Machine have made their mountain right and flowers.
Sor Europe is taking the mullah again. New power.
He has made a grey bahhart noise for the hanan.
On one side Israel wants a rebel of Palestine.
On the other hand, Palestine wants to win itself with blood.
Russia has hit the season and it wants to be green.
Arab wants to make their sand flowers for a brother.
Sam Chacha is a thief to all the cricket.
Close your eyes, the season of the world has changed.
Your flower garden is on fire.
Look at the upper that there is fear in your house.
One make yourself a friend, the other one is the one who is the one who is the one who is the one who is
A healthy crazy person is not white, every one is a great one.
You eat one for one reason and the other one for another.
One is a shot of cruelty, the other is the one who is the one who is the one who is
Your brother is a knife in the hands of others.
You have made your house shop and then you will sell it again.
The earth has become a fire, you are a stranger's number.
The room has become a man, you are a stranger.
Hey the dry house! The mosque has been made from the room.
O ' the husband of the eyes of the eyes! You are gone, you are gone.
You don't know that everyone is wrong with you.
Wake up O Pashtoon! Time is of love and love.

Dha Malaath Maarree Tha
Dirri Khaazi Jhaarree,
Dha Almaass Pha Khanjaar
Ghooss She Larmoon Yow Neem,
Har Spoornkay Dha Khpaal
Gharaaz Sara Tha Dhroomee,
Sar Pha Dhar She Dha Yaar Ghum Ki
Majnoon Yow Neem,
Riwaajeee Wookhki Dha Har Cha
Pha Makh Sassee,
Dha Khattak Ghwanthi Zakhmee Ko
Larmoon Yow Neem......

یو پیره مې کړے محبت دے سوځېدلے یم
بیا مې ورته زړه نه کیږې داسې یریدلے یم
څو وعدې دې وکړلې خو یو دی هم پوره نه کړه
څوپیرې جانانه ستاسو چم ته زه درغلے یم
اوس خو مې ژوندون ټول په ژړا ژړا سر شوے دے
پته نشته یاره چې زه کله خندیدلے یم
ما چې به اظهار تاته د مینې محبت کوو
یاره زه دی هر وختې په هر ځاے کښې رټلے یم
ته چې کله اوخاندې او په سترګو اشارې کوې
دغي یوې ادا خو دي په زړهٌ باندې سیځلے یم
غم د پاسه غم ماله جانانه تا راکړے دے
بیا هم ستا غمونو ته جانانه ودریدلے یم
نه مې کیږې زړهٌ ستا دې يارۍ ته خو بس څه اوکم
بیا هم ستا کوسې ته ستا غمونو راشړلے یم

It was raining tears on the night of separation.
I don't want tears and tears. My beloved is the one who is the one who is the
We still don't talk about three silver.
When there was a call in the mosque of the village.
I haven't seen the taste of love yet.
When I became autumn in the spring of love.

When I have seen your beauty.
My heart is like flames.
Why wouldn't you deny my love?
I have lost the world on it.
How can you not be my friend.
I wanted in your prayers.
On the soft thread of your beautiful hair.
I have tied up my heart.
A flower is sitting in his hand waiting for him.
That flower is in my hand.
Sitting in your street that would always be there.
Then who is the beggar today?
Remember that me and you will be Zangal.
Is there a tall now or not?
All night to your picture, Baqir.
I have cried with screams.


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